Working with Drupal images

Assuming you have a paragraph of type card, with an image field of field_my_image. Then inside paragraph--card.html.twig:

{% set img = node.field_image.entity.getFileUri() %}

In img, you'll end ups with something like public://images/ocean.jpg that you still need to transform using an image style into an actual usable image path like /files/image.jpg.

Pass that through Drupal's file_url() twig function to get the actual root relative path:

{% set img = node.field_image.entity.getFileUri() %}
{# result: public://images/ocean.jpg #}

{% set imgUrl = file_url(img) %}
{# result: /sites/default/files/ocean.jpg #}

{# requires `twig_tweak` Drupal module #}
{% set smallImgUrl = img | image_style('small') %}
{# result: /sites/default/files/styles/medium/ocean.jpg #}

Image Styles

If you've installed the twig_tweak Drupal module, then you can use this filter: | image_style('small').

If you have the image styles small and 16x9 setup already, then you could do this:

image path is: {{ 'public://images/ocean.jpg' | image_style('thumbnail') }}
{% set img = paragraph.field_my_image.entity.getFileUri() %}
{# result: public://images/ocean.jpg #}

{% set imgUrl = file_url(img) %}
{# result: /sites/default/files/ocean.jpg #}

{% set smallImgUrl = img | image_style('small') %}
{# result: /sites/default/files/styles/small/ocean.jpg #}

{% panoImgUrl = img | image_style('16x9') %}
{# result: /sites/default/files/styles/16x9/ocean.jpg #}

Nested Entity References

{% set img = node.field_featured_image.entity.field_image.entity.getFileUri() %}

{% set badWayToGetImg = content.field_player.0['#node'].field_listing_image.entity.field_image.0.entity.getFileUri() }